Catalogue Tips


Start a Basic Search

  • Enter your search words in the box at the top of the screen
  • Click Search

More Basic Search options

  • Use arrow at Everything to choose a specific library holdings only
  • Use arrow at All Fields to choose a search, e.g. Title, Author, Subject

Search Results

You will be taken to the results screen.  This will show:

  • A list of results
  • Options to refine your search
  • Your search words will be highlighted in yellow
  • Click on the tab to see e-Resource results

Click on the item title to see:

  • Item details: publisher & date, subjects etc
  • Availability: Library held, shelf location (collection), type of material, status
  • Summary - more information about the item
  • Excerpts - for some items
  • Google Preview - for some items
  • Clicking on 'Select an Option' arrow will give you more options. (NB: Printing is disabled on all catalogue computers)
  • Anything that is underlined is a link

Refine Search

Lots of items found in your search? Refine your search results by ticking the left hand Limit Search Results menu.

Eg: If you are looking for a DVD only, tick the DVD box and click 'Include' to omit all other results.

Do I use my library card? (Log in)

You can enter your library barcode number and your pin number to access and manage your account, place a hold, make a temporary list or to see if you've had an item out before.

How do I find out my pin number?

Click login (top right of screen); enter your library card barcode number e.g. B... or KPB.....   Now click on the red 'Forgotten your pin?' link.  Re-enter your library card number, then check your emails.  You should receive notification within 15 minutes with your new pin number.  Once logged in, you can change this in the My Account section. 

Pins do not expire.

What do I need to do before I can download an eBook to my tablet or smart phone?

You will need to download the BorrowBox app for Borrowbox (Bolinda), the Libby app for Libby (Overdrive) and/or the ePlatform app for Wheelers eBooks (library barcode and pin number are required for this).  For IOS devices go to the Apple App Store or for Android devices to the Google Play Store.

What if I can't find what I'm looking for?

If you've searched the catalogue and it looks like we don't have what you're after, we may still be able to help. If it's a new or recently released item, we'll consider purchasing a copy for the library (or we may already have and it's not showing online as yet).  Please email us to wishlist a book at, or fill in a wishlisht form at your your local library.

If we aren't able to purchase the item, we may still be able to interloan a copy from another library on your behalf.

Where do I find out more?

Click on the HELP question mark button top right, and it will take you to the help pages for Enterprise, the software behind Kōtui.  It has some helpful tips, or ask a librarian.